

2019 年的九月份,我回到了山东,告诉 96 岁老妈,要带她旅游,以这种方式呢,我把老妈接到了我工作的东北,老家里的居住条件太差了,山东的冬天没有暖气,屋里屋外一个温度,北方虽然外面冷,但是呢,屋里的温度在 26 度,很暖和。来东北的第一个大冬天,没有让我老妈出屋,怕外面冷,感冒了就不要出,一直呆在家里啊,老妈的身体非常好,在这儿生活还算适应,我总买些或者做一些我老妈要爱吃的食物。过完年后,为了响应国家抗击肺炎病毒,我也是全国宅在家里中的一员,在家办公,更好的照顾老妈。

老妈呢,爱吃面食。我就给他包饺子,饺子馅了,有萝卜海米,韭菜鸡蛋,白菜粉条,芹菜猪肉,豆角肉,轮番的做,老妈都能吃一大碗。虽然 96 岁老妈满嘴只剩下两三颗牙,但也能咬动饺子。



In September 2019, I went back to shandong, tell 96 years old mom, take her to travel, in this way, my mother arrive the place I work in the northeast, the poor living conditions of the old home, shandong no heating in winter, a temperature around the house, the north although it’s cold outside, but, the room temperature at 26 degrees, very warm. Came to the northeast of the first big winter, did not let my mother out of the house, afraid of the cold outside, caught a cold do not go out, has been staying at home, mother’s body is very good, still living here to adapt, I always buy some or do some of my mother to love to eat food. After the end of the year, in order to respond to the country’s fight against the pneumonia virus, I am also a member of the national house at home, home office, better take care of my mother.

Mom loves pasta. I give him pack dumpling, dumpling filling, there are radish haimi, leek egg, cabbage vermicelli, celery pork, bean meat, do in turn, mom can eat a big bowl. Although 96 years old mom is full of only two or three teeth, but also can bite dumplings.

In addition to dumplings, I learned to make steamed dumplings. Steamed dumplings stuffing, also have radish haimi, leek eggs, cabbage vermicelli, celery pork, bean meat. Mom also eat very happy, but I found steamed dumplings, can not do too much, the best just to eat a meal. Otherwise, the rest, the second time to eat, either the skin will become hard, or the stuffing is not very good. Especially like leek eggs, is even less delicious.

To the doctors and nurses on the front line, you have worked hard! Come on wuhan! Come on China!


由于疫情的缓解 各地区可以出门小范围通行,在家憋的实在探究 我们决定一起去吃火锅!!
